Shinobi Pro
With Shinobi Pro you get regular updates including bug fixes and new features. And depending on your use case you may be applicable to using Shinobi for free!
Please read the license file attached to the open source repository to learn more.

Find pricing for Shinobi Pro licenses in the Shinobi Shop.
Even if you are applicable for free use please consider a mobile license! You'll be directly supporting the development as well as getting the following benefits.
- Easy Remote Access
- Extended Features in the Mobile and Desktop Apps
- Higher Priority for Support
- Regular Updates
We do custom pricing! Just start a chat with us in the bottom right corner.

Resellers may contact us for discounted or customized pricing. To get started follow the steps below.
- Login to your ShinobiShop Account
- Open the Menu in the top your screen. Mobile users may need to select " Menu" twice.
- Select "Apply to be a Reseller"
- Fill out and Submit the form.
- Start a Live Chat with us in the bottom right corner of your account page. Tell us a little about your company and your desired future with Shinobi Systems. We may want to get on a voice call to better understand your requirements.

Schools and Other Places of Learning
Educational Institutions may apply for a School License, free of charge. If you are approved you may also get access to our P2P servers.
- Login to your ShinobiShop Account
- Open the Menu in the top your screen. Mobile users may need to select " Menu" twice.
- Select "Apply for School License"
- Fill out and Submit the form.
- You will recieve an email when you are either approved or rejected.

Community Edition (CE)
A legacy version of Shinobi. It is free to use in it's entirety but is no longer updated. In light of our policies with Shinobi Pro we felt it was best to encourage development of only one build. Regular users at Home and Enterprise users in the Cloud, both, use the same powerful software.